Inside, it contains the whole world!
A dins, conté tot el món!
Font: MaCoCu
On rainy days I will play inside.
Els dies de pluja jugaré a dins.
Font: Covost2
It is there within every human being.
És a dins de cada ésser humà.
Font: TedTalks
I didn’t think I had this in my bones.
No creia que ho tingués a dins.
Font: TedTalks
For example, including the following code in the file:
Per exemple, posar a dins aquest fitxer:
Font: MaCoCu
I tell you there was somebody in it.
Et dic que hi havia algú a dins.
Font: Covost2
What battle is being fought within the museum?
Quina batalla es lliura a dins del museu?
Font: MaCoCu
There are no windows located within the cells.
No hi ha finestres a dins de les cel·les.
Font: Covost2
In this way we walked around outside and then we went in.
Així voltàvem per fora i llavors entràvem a dins.
Font: Covost2
Inside the taxicab she wept impotent tears.
A dins del taxi, ella va vessar llàgrimes d’impotència.
Font: Covost2
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